Return Policy


Altana Imports is committed to 100% customer satisfaction. Our number one priority is delivering perfect and high-quality Siberian products .

What is your return policy?

If your shipment arrives damaged, you may request a refund or replacement within 30 days of delivery with proper photo verification. You will receive your refund in four weeks, which includes return shipping and processing time. If you request a replacement, we ship free of charge. 

To cancel an order, please contact us as soon as possible. If your order has not yet shipped, we will immediately refund your payment. If your order has shipped, we will refund your payment as soon as we have received the return shipment from you. 

Altana Imports offers 100% raw honey. Our honey has never been pasteurized or process. Our honey may crystallize over time. This is proof of its purity!

Any other questions?

Please send us an email at We will get back to you as soon as possible.